vendredi 5 novembre 2010

:: Space, stars ans slimy aliens.

Check this book out, space stars and slimy aliens. It is from the horrible sciences series.
Funny amusing book where you travel through the solar system with aliens and discover stars.
Most of it is true except for the slimy aliens.
Don't be to scared with the horrible stuff...
It's for children but of course if the adult wants to read it with the child...

lundi 11 octobre 2010

:: Phobos

Phobos is one of the two satellites (moons) of Mars, Deimos his neighbor is a bit smaller.
As you probably know the asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter and we think that Phobos was an asteroid from this belt captured by the gravity of Mars and has become one of its moons.
It has a very small size and is not a sphere which is another reason for us to assume that it was an asteroid.
Discovered by: Asaph Hall
Discovery date: August 18, 1877

dimanche 7 mars 2010

:: Une étoile qui dévore sa planète..

Hubble, le télescope spatial, a découvert une étrange étoile qui est en train d'absorber sa planète...
Cette planète s'est approchée si près de son étoile pendant sa rotation qu'elle y déverse son atmosphère (l'étoile est comme notre soleil). Ce phénomène a lieu car, devenue très chaude, l'atmosphère de la planète se gonfle au point d'être attirée par l'étoile. Dans à peu près 10 000 000 d'années, cette planète sera complètement dévorée...
Je trouve ça incroyable !

lundi 1 mars 2010

:: Pluto

Pluto is a planet after Neptune. We are still discussing if it's a planet or a dwarf planet, my opinion is it's a dwarf planet, I wonder what you think.

I think it's a dwarf planet because it's smaller. It is too far away from the sun. Pluto has 3 moons its largest one is called Charon which is about half the size of Pluto.
Charon is unusual in that it is the largest moon with respect to its primary planet in the Solar System. Some prefer to think of Pluto/Charon as a double planet rather than a planet and a Moon.

The temperature on Pluto's surface is between -210 and -240.
Pluto was discovered in1930 by astronomers.
Pluto is smaller than 7 moons in the solar system.
If you weigh 70 pounds on Earth you'll weigh 4 pounds on Pluto; that's because Pluto's much smaller, which means it has a smaller core; the core creates gravity so the smaller the core, the smaller the gravity.

For 20 years, Pluto was closer to the sun than Neptune. It will be about 240 years before they swap again.