This enourmous planet is composed of gaz, except (of course) for the core. To be precise, I will tell you the gazes: 96% hydrogen and 4% helium.
The mass of Saturn is approximately 95 times that of the earth but Earth would fit easily 746 times in Saturn.
Saturn is of such low density that it would float in a (gigantic) bathtub.
Saturn has a great white spot (that is a storm). It was discovered in 1990 and named after Jupiter's great red spot; it is about 1000 meters wide.
NASA’s Pioneer 11 was the first satellite to go to Saturn. It was in 1979. A bit later, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 reached Saturn too.
For the Romans, Saturn was the God of Time.
- Diameter of Saturn: 121.000 km.
- Distance to the sun: 1.427 millions km.
- Duration of rotation: 10 hours. Saturn rotates very quickly around it's axis.
- Duration of revolution : 30 hours.