jeudi 21 mai 2009

:: Mars

It is located just after the Earth and it is the seventh largest planet.
It is red because its desertic surface made of rocks, has a reddish colour, due to the clouds of iron dioxide raised by strong winds.
For the Romans, Mars was the God of war.
Mars is visible at night without a telescope.
The first satellite to visit Mars was Mariner 4; it was followed by others.

The largest volcano in the solar system is situated on Mars, it is called Olympus Mons. The Diameter of Olympus is 648 km and its height is 22.5 kilometers.

Scientists are still trying to discover if there was life on Mars a long time ago, a proof that there could be is that astronomers are sure that there has been water on mars. NASA's Phoenix mars lander discovered water ice on mars the fourth august 2007.

  • Distance to the sun: 228 million kms.
  • Diameter: 6794 kms.
  • Duration of revolution: 687 days.
  • Duration of rotation: 1 days and 37 minutes.
  • Temperature: -133 °c to 27°c!!!

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